People in power today are UNFIT mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.
Why is it ok today for people to be speaking out about their abuses from the system, the rigged system, slave labor, workers rights, being brutalized, abused and even sexually assaulted by police like the 13 women in OK. and yet I was never able to speak out about abuse in the family? Because you’re young it’s easy for people to shut you down. I couldn’t help but wake up early. It isn’t a decision made in the mind, the body does it automatically. You don’t need to think about it when someone is bending your arm back in a position it doesn’t go. So because the body is smart and reacts to abuse, you get abused for it?
What do you do, to whom do you turn when it’s “parents” who are the abusers? That’s the end of the line. There’s no family B. Children are being dumped on just like the planet because most people don’t know their rights, don’t have the courage to stand up and fight the system so it’s just easier to pass it down to the most innocent. There isn’t a greater betrayal.
Parents would have to actually DO their job; RAISE and reinforce the young, teach them, mentor them, set and example for them instead of using them for their physical and psychological garbage dump. The family is simply the Micro of the Macro. Like our bought and sold “leaders” controlling the country. When kids have poor leaders for parents, they’re taught to accept poor leadership all their lives.
When you’re young you NEED to rely on Real Adults to protect you and be there for you. That’s how nature functions. What do you do when they’re the ones betraying the trust? Children are like the environment and animals, completely helpless against abuse. When they’re mistreated and neglected, the pollution stays. It doesn’t go away until it’s cleaned up.
People are speaking out more about all kinds of corruption today; from totally innocent people jailed for 3-4 decades when the evidence that they were innocent was readily available, police killing innocent, unarmed young, mostly black and brown males, white males doing white collar crimes with impunity, endless for profit “wars” perpetuated by the U.S. on countries who don’t even have armies to defend themselves, Economic Hitmen and women that John Perkins has been speaking out about for over 10 years, Greece in the grips of a debt chokehold that does not even belong to the people, the for profit “Justice” system and “gov”, and much more.
On my own, I fear I will never be able to get my point across to people how utterly terrifying and traumatizing it was to grow up the way I did. Any time I tried telling anyone, people just played it down, minimized it, acted like it wasn’t as serious as it was because THEY didn’t want to be bothered having to step up. That’s what the entire system turned out to be. Mostly Losers and Slackers selling their kids future out for Fake, GMO $.
I’ve been trying to speak out about abuses and rights violations when I was my most vulnerable and was met with such opposition back in the 70’s by the very people who should be on your side. Then, we wonder why everything else is such a mess. It’s easier to speak out when your older and have a bit more strength and ability but, when you’re at your most vulnerable and those whom you’re supposed to rely on are the one’s undermining you and your need for self worth and dignity, what do you do? Where do you turn? I’m left with no choice but to try to get justice for myself from 4 decades ago because there was no one there doing their job like they were supposed to be.
I feel that what I realized and was teaching myself, had people listened to me, could have saved us decades of grief.
What I realized in the 70’s and 80’s people are realizing now. What others’s are waking up to about this system, the banks, Corp profit over people, corruption, selling out the people and the climate, I realized in the “family”. “Out of the mouths of Babes” is a saying we’ve heard and yet the very truths people don’t want to hear, because then they have to DO something.
I knew as a child people around me unfit, set low standards and no respect for themselves. Is it wrong to just tell things like it is and say the truth?
The people always want to look at and blame the Koch Brothers and Exxon or the bankers on Wall St. but, I din’t need to know about any of that to know it was the people who were losers, who lived with no respect or dignity and accepted their enslavement and then pass it down and teach their own children to tolerate abuse.
I feel somewhat freer today to speak out about things I’ve tried to speak out about for decades; Abuse of Power, being enslaved, having your rights violated, knowing in my gut those in “power” are not capable of being in my best interest, that I was being trained to be against myself and accept debt and mistreatment, many of the realizations people are having today only scaled down to the level of the “family”.
Being told I’m not seeing what I’m seeing, I don’t know what I know, I don’t feel what I feel,, if that isn’t a blatant sign of some serious problems way beyond the “family” then I don’t know what is. Is it any wonder NOW, we’re finding out about EXXON funding climate denial? I didn’t need to know about Exxon climate denial to know those around me as a child were in complete denial to the abuse going on right in front of them. People deny what’s right in front of them, why does what Exxon or the Koch Brothers do count for more than the denial that people do? Do the Laws of Physics cease to exist in the land of the people? The PTB that act as if the Laws of Nature don’t apply to them and they get away with much more and the little guy can’t even have their normal healthy reach without being criminalized. The Koch Bros get the name Kochtopus due to their extensive reach, the average person gets their healthy reach chopped off.
It’s the people that do it to themselves and their children.
The toll it takes on your health being forced to live a split life, beaten into submission having to lie and be what people want you to be rather than who you really are.
On my own, I fear I will never be able to get my point across to people how utterly terrifying and traumatizing it was to grow up the way I did. Any time I tried telling anyone, people just played it down, minimized it, acted like it wasn’t as serious as it was because THEY didn’t want to be bothered having to step up. That’s what the entire system turned out to be. Mostly Losers and Slackers selling their kids future out for Fake, GMO $.
Most people don’t want to give things the weight it deserves because then they would have to DO something. It’s easier to lower the bar, than to actually jump over it.
Was it any wonder I spent decades of my life in the gym seeking truth and aligning myself with what was real and what the True weight of things actually was.
Even now, it’s difficult to write freely after decades of feeling like a criminal and guilty for doing so. I still feel it will take some time even for readers to get used to hearing about how deep the corruption and the pollution of our system goes.
That’s what I call it. Emotional Pollution.
Optimum HEALTH, What is more important? It’s what everyone person deserves but doesn’t know it? Physical, emotional, spiritual.