Category: Mental Health
Albert Woodfox, 43 years in Solitary,”Buddy Caldwell and Burl Cain made this case personal”
Albert Woodfox was released last Friday after spending 43 years in Solitary Confinement in a 6 x 9 ft cell for 23 hrs a day in Angola prison in Louisiana, longer than anyone in the history of the United States. Albert Woodfox was one of 3 black me arrested in the 60’s for being involved wit the Black Panther party. He went straight to his mothers grave because he wasn’t allowed out when she died. He also visited his sisters grave who died while he was behind bars.
Albert was serving a 5 year sentence for armed robbery when he and another inmate, Herman Wallace, were accused of stabbing a Corrections Officer in 1972 extending his sentence. Albert and Herman always maintained their innocence and said they were targeted for organizing a chapter of the Black Panther party in the prison, protesting against horrific prison conditions. Along with a 3rd man, Robert King, were known as the Angola 3. Amnesty International and other groups campaigned to free the 3 men. Woodfox was the last of the 3 men to be freed. Robert King was freed in 2001 when his conviction of murdering an inmate was overturned. Herman Wallace was freed in 2013, a few days before dying of cancer but, the state refused to free Woodfox until last Friday.
Woodfox’ first conviction was overturned and the state of Louisiana retried him successfully in 1998. A federal Judge ruled in 2014 that Woodfox should be freed on the grounds of racial discrimination in his retrial. Then, Attorney General, Buddy Caldwell planned to try Albert Woodfox again. U.S. middle court judge, James Brady, ordered Albert’s release based on 5 facts; Albert’s age and poor health, the unavailability to provide witnesses, “This court lacks the confidence of the state to provide a fair 3rd trial, The prejudice done onto Mr Woodfox by spending 40 years in Solitary Confinement, and finally, the very fact that Mr. Woodfox has already been tried twice and would otherwise face a third trial for a crime that occurred over 40 years ago.” The 5th circuit then approved continued detention for Albert.
Amy Goodman asks Albert Woodfox how it feels to be “Free”. That would mean that all of us out here are free and nothing could be further from the truth. Albert Woodfox might not be it literal prison but, he is still in the prison in his mind and in this larger prison called society.
Albert Woodfox was able to read in is cell which enabled him to maintain his focus and not be broken by being in solitary and stay in touch with the outside world. He read history books and books on Malcolm X, Dr King, & James Baldwin. Albert was allowed 2 visitors a month but, his family was unable to come too much due to distance.
A key witness in the “murder” of the Corrections Officer said he witnessed the murder but, who’s credibility was questionable. At first the witness said he wasn’t anywhere around and knew nothing about the murder. A couple of night later he was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night and interrogated under bright lights and told by the guards on night duty if he helped them crack the case they would get the “witness” his freedom. The “witness”, Hezakiah Brown, then said the killers were Wallace and Woodfox. Hilton Butler, a former Warden, is heard on tape saying that “you could words in Hezakiah Brown’s mouth.
Albert Woodfox stated that at that time he and Herman Wallace were very active in the prison organizing resistance around the corruption in the prison such as brutal beatings, and killings. It’s ironic that those organizing against brutal beatings and killings, even of the guard, are the ones blamed for killing the guard and put into CCR. Even the wife of the guard said she did not believe Woodfox and Wallace killed her husband. She said “It’s time the state stop acting like there’s any evidence that Albert Woodfox killed Brent. After years of looking at the evidence and soul searching and praying I realized I could not believe what I was told to believe by a state that did not take care of Brent while he was working at Angola and did not take care of me when he was killed”, Teenie Rodgers.
Long time Angola Warden Burl Cain said he would keep Woodfox in lockdown regardless of his crimes since, “I know he’s still trying to practice Black Pantherism”.
And Might I add,, This is EXACTLY how this ENTIRE country is run! People in “power”, from “Parents” to “Presidents”, Corporations and bankers (but corporations and banks are not in power to protect and raise the people), doing what ever they want irregardless of laws, truth, justice and facts.
I am so compelled to write after hearing stories like this because it’s the same situation I felt and experienced growing up in my house as a child. I’m not going to stop writing about my upbringing because I had no voice for so long, was silenced exactly like Albert Woodfox, Robert King and Herman Wallace not because of any facts, truth or evidence but, because of people abusing their power and making situations personal.
My story is very similar except it happened with people who are supposed to be family. I naturally protested in my house about the unacceptable conditions of domestic violence, stress and abuse I was forced to live with as a child. I’ve written about it on a previous blogs and have to write about it over and over to plead my own case of feeling guilty since I’m 8 years old for standing up for myself and needing those in “power” to do their jobs and at least make an attempt to create a decent, healthy environment I could grow in.
The same thing that happened to Wallace and Woodfox happened to me. It was personal. Who ever has power, as incompetent and they are, can just decide to make someone guilty and imprison them. The “family” is the easiest place this is done. “Parents” or a “parent” as in my case because my father was out of the house by the time I was 6, who are not emotionally mature, which most are not, can easily respond from a place of Personal and be triggered by a child’s healthy resistance and determination to assert their separateness.
I’ve read and studied many books on emotional and relationship health over the decades for this exact reason. It doesn’t matter who someone is or what their role in life is, if they’re emotionally immature and developmentally arrested they will abuse their power and do to innocent people what warden, Burl Cain and attorney general, Buddy Caldwell did to the Angola 3. The same thing my mother did to me. The very people depended upon to protect our rights, stand for truth and justice are doing the exact OPPOSITE and VIOLATING them instead!
I felt psychologically imprisoned my entire life not just from having my rights violated in my house by my “parent” but, when I stood up to that abusive parent I was guilted again by neighbors and other “adults” around me who all made excuses and let off the very person who is supposed to be there for me to rely on. So many people are programmed to let those in “power” off, even when they’re clearly wrong and abusive. People are completely Unconscious. This is what must be addressed. It’s the actions and the behaviors that need to be paid attention to, not what position a person holds. I call it, looking at the ingredients instead of the packaging. Look beneath the surface to who the person is, not what’s on the outside, like you would if you were on a date with someone.
Just as in the case of 28 year old Akai Gurley here in Brooklyn, NY, killed by NYPD Peter Liang last Nov when Peter Liang mistakenly fired his gun which ricocheted off a stairwell wall hitting Gurley in the chest killing him. Asians started rallying around Asian Peter Liang calling to get the conviction dropped saying it was accidental. The Aunt of Akai Gurley points out the same fact that I tried pointing out decades ago when people said the same thing about my mother, “oh, her abuse was unintentional, She didn’t mean to cause harm”, or “she couldn’t raise you good because nobody taught her”. All these “excuses” are Betrayals and NOT things ADULTS should be telling a child. Adults these days are total LOSERS and COWARDS and pretty soon it will be revealed because Nature does not tolerate excuses. People are Clearly Advocating then, being allowed to pass down their incompetence. They, literally, were telling me right to my face, just like in the case of Woodfox and Wallace, that people in “power” can do what ever they want and get away with it. The “adults”, instead of stepping up to the bar and being the smart, role model people children need and deserve, instead, guilt a child into submission and brainwash them into accepting garbage and abuse. THIS IS THE WORLD WE ARE LIVING IN.
In Akai Gurley’s case, his Aunt, Hertencia Petersen addressed the Asians rallying to let off Peter Liang telling them that if it was such a mistake killing her nephew then why didn’t Peter Liang do anything to help Akai Gurley? Why didn’t Peter Liang call for help instead of worrying about his job and calling his Union rep instead? Why didn’t Peter Liang administer CPR on Akai Gurley himself as he is trained instead of an untrained downstairs neighbor doing it?
The VERY SAME point I was left on my own to make as a CHILD to the “adults” I was surrounded by when they through all the Lame reasons not ONE adult could be there for you. If my mother was so unintentional, then why didn’t she apologies, why didn’t she do anything to make up for the harm she clearly caused? Why didn’t she admit responsibility as she was, instead of trying to save herself and pawn the responsibility onto me, the total innocent one? Why didn’t she ever do anything to change her behavior and try to do better? Instead, she just kept right on doing the same behavior for the rest of her life.
Is natural law going to simply be suspended because a “parent” calls in sick indefinitely? Is a child magically going to not have needs that must be met just because a “parent” is incompetent and emotionally unfit? People think if they have excuses natural law is going to just be suspended and let them off the hook. Nature will function no matter what and people will need what they need and deserve what they deserve irregardless of whether or not someone in power likes it or not.
All people deserve to be healthy and free. All people deserve to grow to be their unique selves and share their unique talents and gifts with the world. For anyone to assert themselves and their spirit, especially in conditions of abuse and brutality, is called NORMAL and HEALTHY. For a warden or a “parent” to want to crush a person simply for being healthy and asserting their rights, self worth and practice Black Pantherism because they feel threatened and get off on using their power to violate people’s rights is the most egregious abuse of power there is. These people in power are there to UPHOLD LAWS, UPHOLD JUSTICE, PROTECT PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, NOT VIOLATE THEM. How this Attorney General got away with it is also due to the fact that people in the “justice” system bow to people in power worse than the Angola 3 did. Why doesn’t someone in the Justice system in Louisiana step up and say something about the abuse of power that’s going on to get the warden and AG held accountable?
When are people going to function according to nature and health instead of what’s on the surface? This judge completely disregarded LAW, DUE PROCESS, the CONSTITUTION and made a case personal! That’s OUTRAGEOUS! And those responsible for keeping Albert Woodfox in Solitary for 43 years need to be arrested and placed in Solitary themselves!
The Poisoning of a city and it wasn’t done by international Terrorists
An UNELECTED emergency “manager” appointed by Gov. Snyder switched the water supply from the Detroit system they had been using for half of a century to the toxic Flint river to try to save $5 million. Right after the switch the residents of Flint started complaining about the foul odor and discolored water that, also, caused a variety of health issues. Initially, the water was infested with bacteria until the city added chlorine which created trihalomethanes or TTHM’s, a cancerous chemical by-product. Legionaires disease, born from the contaminated water, spread to the Flint residents that killed 10 people and left many others ill. The corrosive water was damaging Flint’s aging pipes creating lead contamination most prominently in the children.
Gov. Snyder and other “officials” ignored then covered up the complaints from the residents, for a year and a half, who started fighting back with protesting, citizen journalism, a new elected mayor and a resident lead testing project.
“In 2011 Gov Snyder signed into law the emergency manager law”, said Claire McClinton of the Flint Democracy Defense league who’s been challenging “emergency managers” for years. Under the guise of being fiscally responsible, EM’s were sent into city’s and school districts they deemed in fiscal crisis who were majority African American. They were privatizing services and selling off the assets. The garbage collection was privatized and the parks were sold off. “There’s a coordinated, aggressive effort to privatize our water system which is how we came to this poison water catastrophe”. The people were told that the Detroit water was too expensive and they were going to “cheaper water”. Claire McClinton said it was the GM plant that contaminated the Flint river dumping all their toxins in it, which was the “cheaper water” for the interim. “We don’t just have a water problem, we got a Democracy problem. We got a dictatorship problem”. Flint was the first city to elect an African American mayor. “We’re not the type of people that’s used to being walked on”.
Another resident who needed clean water for her grandson said, she paid a bill of $109 to stop a water shut off.
I do not understand this at all. She was going to have the poison water shut off and she paid $109 to keep it from being turned off. That makes no sense. Don’t pay it! Why would you pay to keep poison water running in your house? I did an interview last night with Sherry Peel Jackson, former IRS agent, CPA and certified fraud examiner on her book, Stick it to the IRS. She did time in jail standing up to the IRS and now teaches others about the fraudulence of the IRS. She said people give all their power over to the IRS and they end up getting screwed, losing their businesses and even their lives from break downs and suicide. She teaches people to own their power and stop giving it away to institutions that take total advantage of the naietivity of people. This is what happens when people give up their fitness and their connection to nature and their gut in exchange for a fake, nam-made system. I’ve tried telling this to people for decades. Now more people are seeing that it’s true. That the system in this country is a total fraud.
Stand UP! Fight back! I was shamed and guilted as a young person and a teen for standing up to and calling out abusive and neglectful “parents by neighbors and relatives. THEY WERE WRONG and I was the one doing the right thing. Every “adult” around me was training me to bow and live with little dignity. I was literally beaten into walking around this planet with such little self worth. Real family should be raising their child and teaching them to defend themselves, stand up for themselves. Its the most basic thing to teach a child. Instead< i was learning the exact opposite, to feel bad for standing up for myself and not bowing to who, I knew in my gut, were not real family.
People are totally brainwashed to bow and they learn it IN the “Home” by “parents” who are followers. I was smart enough at an early age to speak truth to power and I was backed by no one. People do not know their rights and they were passing down the same mentality to me and I was aware enough at an early age and felt it. Had people supported me and come together we would not be living in this kind of world. This is why we’re where we are today. I had doing the right thing beaten right our of me by ignorant people. Taking the way nature and health work and rewiring it so I would be easier to control. It ended up blowing up right in my mother’s face. How can people not recognize the right thing when it’s right in front of them? Talk about a health crisis.
“I respect him because he’s the Gov. of Michigan”, said Kawanne Armstrong of Flint, the woman who came to ask for help getting water for her grandson. People deserve respect when they give respect. People do not deserve respect automatically because they’re in a “power” position. Gov. Snyder is Not treating the residents of Flint with even minimal respect and doesn’t deserve it in return. Period.
Due to growing up in such a broken, chaotic environment standing up to abuse of power instinctually kicked in early in my life. It was healthy and natural to stand up to corruption even at “home”. The body is never wrong. The body and it’s signals are what we should be aligning with, not destroying.
I have to speak out because what I’ve tried to wake people up to decades ago that no one wanted to listen to and take seriously, is now, a much larger problem and getting worse. From living in a completely incompetent “family” with “parents” who were incapable of, or had no plans to do their job and take responsibility and were more than happy to pass down their irresponsibility onto those who deserved it the least, their own children. It’s totally CRIMINAL what happens and what is happening to children in their own “families” and there’s no where for the to turn and No one to be an advocate for them. The more parenting gets eroded and diluted over time, like is the trend since everything is about $, just like the environment, soil erosion and animal slaughter, living things that are speaking up but, are just not speaking up in English. Nature speaks a more clear language that cannot be denied, But, Sociopaths find a way.
Residents of Flint are victims of “Environmental Racism”, says attorney Thomas Stephen of the NLG
The Flint water crisis is another example of the macro cosm of the micro cosm of the abusive “family”.
One resident in Flint said she is still being billed for water even though the residence of Flint have been poisoned by contaminated water by the city. And not only are the residents still being billed, they’re bills are higher than they were, for tainted water! Protests continue in Flint over the contamination of the water supply. Congress held the first hearing last week on the crisis of lead poisoning in the water supply but no one responsible for the catastrophe will be testifying. Not the Governor Rick Snyder nor Flint’s former unelected emergency manage Darnell Earley. Earley announced last week his resignation from his current job as emergency manager of Detroit public schools. Darnell Early also refused to testify when he was subpoenaed to by the U.S. House Oversight Government Reform Committee.
One person who did testify was hand picked to run the State Department of environmental “quality”, Keith Creagh. Cheagh is expected to blame the faulty Governmental Protection agency for their contribution to the crisis for not displaying a sense of urgency the crisis demanded. Though many residents of Flint are demanding the Governor Rick Snyder to resign, he was not one of those who testified.
Just discovered emails showed Michigan officials began trucking in clean water to a State Building in the city of Flint last January, a long time before admitting to the residents the water was contaminated. Progress Michigan obtained the emails and told Mother Jones they poke holes in the Governors timeline as to when they knew, or “started to have concerns” the water was poisoned.
Thomas Stephens from the National Lawyers Guild and Detroiters Resisting Emergency Management said last week, “How could they do this? Once the water started flowing in April of 2014 and it was brown and yellow and tasted bad and smelled bad and gave people chemical burns how could they possible allow it to continue for 18 months? And take no action and since then their action has been the clumsiest cover up I’ve ever seen in my Life”. Who was responsible for this and who was responsible for that, the Governor’s supporters trying to divert focus off who’s truly responsible.
“There’s a broader historical significance”, said Tom Stephens. “In the 1990’s for a brief period of time when it seemed like there might be some relief in the offing of the environmental authorities for ‘environmental racism’. There was a Presidential order in the Clinton administration on environmental justice. There was draft guidance by the EPA in the late 80’s that began the process of responding to this disproportionate adverse environmental risk that people of low-income, especially people of color are exposed to. It was in Flint that the previous Governor, John Engler, and his EDQ director, Russell Harding, leading the charge that the EPA, the EDQ and the state of Michigan decided, ‘NO, were not going to provide the kind of protection these communities need to have the kind of environment and public health that are enjoyed in white communities”.
Stephens went on, “The infamous ‘Select Steal’ decision, the EPA under enormous political pressure, from both Dems and Reps in Congress threatening to cut their funding they weren’t going to apply a civil rights analysis. The reason why the good explanation for what the Snyder Administration did is ‘Unbelievable Incompetence’ is because this is the policy they put in place 25 years ago”.
The Privatization of Water
” Stephen continued, “A state where this Governor instituted the Emergency Management Policy, which is like Privatization on steroids, total privatization of Government. South eastern Michigan has 2 water authorities. Karegnondi water authority which is digging a pipe to Lake Huron and the Great Lakes water authority is taking over the older infrastructure of the Detroit sewage department. While the “authorities are being created you have poisoning of the water of poor people of color and mass water shut offs in violation of the human right to water and sanitation in Detroit.”
“What’s happening is the resource, very essence of life itself, water, is being privatized and subjected to a very bottom line approach that is in violation of the most vulnerable people in the state”, said Stephen.
That is was done to save $$ or is it something else? “Flint and Detroit were under state appointed emergency managers accountable only to the Governor and EMPOWERED TO OVERRIDE CONTRACTS & LAWS. During the same time period, they approved, a story in the Detroit News today, of behind the scenes meetings of the Governor himself, the emergency managers and the water authorities in Detroit & Flint. The decision to start a new water authority in Flint and invest all the $ and resources involved in that kind of operation, the decision to cut it off the Detroit sewage and water system which is now the Great Lakes Water Authority at a cost of around 12 million to that system makes no economic sense. From the perspective of emergency management which is supposed to be about fiscal integrity of municipalities. It makes no sense to start a new authority and deprive the existing system of revenue. So the question is, WHY DID THEY DO IT? It most certainly comes down to the political and economic power that local officials get. If you can build a system like this then you control development and if somebody owns a lot of property and wants to do development and make a lot of $ by creating residential suburb or selling the property they need water and drainage. So, if you have control over that in your area you have an immense source of power and $ and I think that’s what’s behind it. IF GOVERNOR SNYDER IS TIED TO THAT, THAT WILL BE THE END OF HIS CAREER”.
The focus then went to an elected member of the Detroit Board of Education, Tawanna Simpson. The Detroit BoE was under the same Emergency Manager, Darnell Earley, as who’s responsible for the water crisis in Flint.
“Emergency Management is about taking over our schools, suspending democracy and not educating our children. They then, show a clip of a Detroit student, Wisdom Morales, talking about the poor condition of the school he’s forced to attend. “I’ve gotten used to seeing rats everywhere and dead bugs. I try to ignore the graffiti on the walls when I use the bathroom. It makes me feel sick inside”.
“It’s heartbreaking”, said Tawanna Simpson. Miss Simpson was locked out of a section of a Detroit school to keep the board members from seeing the deplorable conditions of that section of the Public School.
“it’s a racist policy”, Thomas Stephens said, “under the E.M. statute the elected school board in Detroit has no power at all. The E.M. has all the power. They only have the power the EM chooses to give them and he gives them none. The idea that a white Republican Governor in Lansing appointing a single individual, of whatever race, to run a city without accountability to anyone accept the Governor and with the power to override laws & contracts, was bound to be harmful to these communities. It’s turned out to be more harmful than we feared”.
I have no choice but to write about the Macro cosm of the micro cosm that I’ve been trying to speak out against since the early 70’s. More and more I hear people speaking out about the same issues I tried to speak out about since I was at least 6 about the abuse and neglect in the “family” system. It’s hard enough dealing with all the corruption of this world as an adult when people speak out and try to hold those in power positions to account. When you’re a child trying to do it by yourself towards a “parent” or person who you should be able to rely on and who’s betraying that trust is next to impossible.
Health is health and having your health harmed no matter what the situation or circumstances should be a cause for massive concern.
Thomas Stephen talked about water as “the very essence of life itself is being privatized and subjected to a very bottom line approach that is in violation of the most vulnerable people in the state”.
When a “parent” or another person who is supposed to protect and stand up for a child ends up being the very person who betrays that trust, what does a child do? Where does a child go for help? What recourse does a child have? How can a child protect themselves? Who is ensuring that “parents” are doing their job?
If water is the essence of life, what is love, caring, emotional support, protection and the security that a child should feel in their own home with their own families? I never hear anyone talk about the abuse and neglect that goes on in “families” where a child is the most vulnerable and has no where to turn in many cases.
I was one of these children that now has no choice but to speak out and stand up for myself because those who were supposed to be doing it, and other “adults” and neighbors around didn’t step up either and, instead, do what the city and EM of Flint did and cover up and allow the most vulnerable people to take the fall.
I’m calling out ALL abusive “parents” who don’t step up to the plate and do right by their children and who, instead, leave their child to inherit the pollution and the debt.
I’m pointing out many “families” run just like the city of Flint. There is no greater potential to abuse the vulnerable than in the “family” by the child’s own parents. People do not like to hear it and no one wants to do anything about the harm that is done. People in power do not want to be held accountable and those under them don’t even want to hold them accountable. We live in a Collective Co Dependent, Dysfunctional society.
Lead poisoning in the water in Flint MI and emotional poisoning from “parents” in the “family” system are the same thing. Only, in the second case the vulnerable are even more victimized. The fact that the vulnerable are unable to stand up for themselves they actually REQUIRE a Real adult, a decent, honest, trust worthy person to stand up for them. If there is no one good enough to be there for them, what happens? There’s a break down. That young person is literally becoming an accomplice in their own abuse. The child or even an adult, with no power, has no choice but to blame themselves and “bail out” the abuser. If, by chance, the vulnerable is able to stand up they risk being punished and retaliated against. Their health is robbed and they have no choice but to do that to someone else who is more vulnerable then them. It’s what the banks do. Steal real wealth and resources using fake $$ wealth.
This is Very dangerous because there is NO one to alert others of a problem. The vulnerable willingly take on what they should NOT be taking on out of fear. The very innocent position a child or subservient person is in makes them ripe to be taken advantage of by an emotionally immature person n power.
This, to me, is the greatest betrayal. It’s “Child Pollution”. A child learns to accept the debt and mistreatment being put on them. The direction the flow should be going in ends up going the other way. A signal we all should be relying on to alert us to an issue or a break down is no longer functioning. Those who are supposed to be in charge are the very ones tampering with the signal the child should be giving off alerting an Adult to a problem and now it’s the other way around. This sets ALL of us up for a worse kind of crisis than what is happening in Flint. It creates HUMAN DEBT, where it retards the development of the vulnerable person which, then in turn, makes them do that to another vulnerable person when they get older and, perhaps, in power. It’s stealing from the future instead of passing value forward. It’s an environmental catastrophe.
The environmental break down of the “family” and teaching children to take on emotional debt and pollution that they do not deserve and is not theirs leaves those who should be held responsible completely off the hook. It’s a kind of family/social “soil erosion”. And nature will not keep silent. Training nature to function the way people want instead of the way it is meant to fitness wise will create such devastating effects eventually. The flow that is supposed to be going in one direction ends up flowing backwards. It’s the family version of the Flint Water crisis, and WHO is talking about it?
This is the Core of all our problems. The environmental crisis, the erosion of the mental, emotional and spiritual health of human beings. That Debt gets passed down to who is ever below that person. Just like a “parent” in the abusive “family” , the EM gets to override contracts and laws and do what ever they want. A person in a power position should be the one who is Most in alignment with and adhering to natural law,, NOT the one who gets to abuse their power the most by overriding it! That would be the OPPOSITE of true authority.
The crisis of the Flint water is a metaphor and a reflection of the health of those in power. They created the situation that matches their level of mental health.
I should not have had to stand completely alone as a child standing up for myself when those who should be reinforcing me and standing WITH me were, instead, standing in opposition. The fact that people do not see the signs and symptoms of a break down in the “family” and then take steps to turn the flow in the direction it’s supposed to go in is not good. People in power robbing from those they’re supposed to be protecting should be a glaring signal of a much larger problem. And when, instead, it’s met with complacency and unresponsiveness, like those dealing with the Flint water crisis who took a year to alert the public and address the truth, the poison has long infected the people.
What should have not even happened to me as a child could have at least been addressed and dealt with, turning the situation around. But, instead, neighbors and other “adults” around did nothing.
All the signs were there that my health was being harmed in my “home” as a child; I was telling people I was being neglected, I had no eyelashes due to pulling them out from stress from the 2nd through the 5th grade, I self mutilated, I was depressed, I had excessive shame, I felt a dark “cloud” enter my body at around 8 years old from feeling oppressed and neglected.
If this was happening to people today getting ill from Flint water they would at least be able to sue the city and get reparations. What do I get? I’ve been dealing with trauma and feelings of emotional illness and terror all my life from living in that house. If that isn’t having one’s health harmed than I don’t know what is. How is someone abused at a young age supposed to hold those responsible into account? We can’t even get Gov. Snyder held to account. He gets “asked” to resign instead of just being arrested like any of us would. People in “power” should be arrested even MORE and faster, not slower.
Darnell Early gets to not show up for his subpoena to testify! MORE abuse of power! On top of the already monumental harm he’s has already caused. What is is about holding people in power accountable that is so difficult? There’s a health crisis to look at.
Sundance Film Festival, Audrie and Daisy, The depiction of society’s breakdown

NYPD Peter Liang trial for accidentally shooting to death Akai Gurley

I sat for the first day of trial on Monday for NYPD cop, I don’t use the term Officer, Peter Liang who fired his gun that ricocheted off a stair well wall hitting Akai Gurley in the chest killing him.
The fact that the defense even thinks that PL should be set free, totally innocent of any wrong doing when the simple fact is, that he fired a shot that killed a human being, is just adding insult to injury.

Close Gitmo, A Case of TORTURE with Andy Worthington and Roger Waters
Last Thursday night at Revolution books in Harlem, British Journalist Andy Worthington gave his annual U.S., NYC talk for the 15th anniversary of Guantanamo calling for its closure. Andy also spoke about the recent release of British detainee Shaker Aamer after being held without charge or trial for 14 years, who was cleared for release twice in 2007 and 2009 by 2 administration’s, and who Andy and Pink Floyd co founder Roger Waters, rallied for his released with We Stand With Shaker, campaign.
Andy elaborated on Shakers treatment while in Gitmo and how the interrogators goal was to “break him” and the other detainees even though they had no information to give. Shaker strength was surprising and the interrogators were unable to break him. He told how Shaker was beaten daily by interrogators. Andy told how the interrogators grew tired and broke before Shaker did and how the interrogators grew to respect Shaker.
Andy spoke about some of the same topics I discussed with him on my radio show Organic News on
Dick Cheney said “torture worked” and would do it again. This is mathematically impossible. It’s like saying abusing children works which has been considered “normal” parenting for many decades. Yes, it works if the objective is to break a person’s will, if the objective is to get what you want out of someone rather than the truth. The use of force and intimidation to get children to obey instead of taking the time to explain and treat a child with respect is common “parenting”. It’s a rare parent who actually takes the time to treat the child with respect and who’s goal it is to raise the child to be someone with their own mind and identity.
This is the point I’ve been trying to raise for decades. There is no way around nature. There is no way to force nature into being what we want. Taking the time to do things nature’s way is the only way to get real results. Be it parenting or interrogation, the outcome cannot be gotten to by force, no matter how we may try. When we force, all we get is a GMO version instead of Organic truth .
The same bill of goods was told to me as a child; Abuse works, ‘It builds character’, ‘it makes you stronger’, I used to hear. Despite the obvious signs of sever distress and harm from the ‘victim’, those in ‘power’ easily dismiss the facts and evidence that prove them wrong and continue on. Despite the fact that the interrogators are causing obvious distress, beyond the point of progress, they continue, ‘knowing’ they’re doing harm. Those in ‘power’ are completely checked out when it comes to the obvious harm they cause. It’s as if the harm is the goal they seek. It becomes a, Cart before the Horse, situation. Those in ‘power’ are not present enough with the feedback they receive to take it into consideration and modify their behavior. They continue on unconsciously despite what’s right in front of them.
“Torture works?” Abuse doesn’t work if your goal is to genuinely raise healthy, independent thinking adults or get to real truth. If the goal is to break a person’s will and get them to submit yours, yes, then abuse and torture work just fine.
That was what I questioned at an early age in my own house and neighborhood. “Parents”/”adults” say they want to raise you to be happy and successful yet, they clearly don’t have the skills and do the opposite. Like those in control of our country who say they want peace and justice for all yet, are either blatantly lying or are completely incompetent or just deny their mistakes then simply make the outcome fit their “mistake”.
To find the truth and prove my own innocence at a young age I instinctively turned to exercise and fitness. In an attempt for my body to heal turning to weight training not only to help disperse the amount of rage and frustration I was being pumped with but, also to help realign my health, the mind/body back to some kind of balance where it’s meant to be.
I went straight to the source for the answers. Straight to physics and my own findings. The whole point of exercise is to build, to cultivate and strengthen with the right amount of stress in the right amount of time. The same way a parent raises a healthy child. A healthy amount of responsibility at the right time of a child’s development. This takes Presence, a parent or any mature adult who is present and paying attention to the feedback. Lack of Presence is the Problem. Not paying attention is the problem. Having an agenda and making the outcome fit our preconceived agenda, which is backwards, instead of living fresh and accepting something new. This is what perpetuates the vicious cycle and prevents any change and improvement from happening. The minds of those in charge is literally Clogged, like a blocked artery, that actually rejects anything healthy due to so much build up.
People in “power” have Psych Atherosclerosis. We’re living in a Mental/ Emotional Health crisis. Too many people do not look closely enough at their conditioning and how they’re trained to empower the 1% at their own and their children’s expense. Nature’s process has been turned upside down by the PTB and people are keeping everything going in a backwards direction. Without Real parents and leaders to raise children to be free, independent thinkers and feelers that challenge the system instead of raising them to go along like drones, the emotional, physical health of people will be at slave levels. Which is exactly what the PTB want.
The PTB WANT “Criminals”, they WANT “terrorists”. Nature, Health and solving problems are ENEMIES to this fake $$ system. The PTB have disconnected $ from being aligned with what’s right to being the opposite of it. $$ has completely broken away from reality and justice. $$ is a Debt note that fuels and supports war, hate, genocide, racism and violence.
The system is about $$, not about solving problems and doing what’s healthy and just. They wouldn’t make $$ then. That’s the reality. We’re ALL in line to be taken out sooner or later.
Humans, be them child or adult, need what they need. There’s NO negotiating it. Nature needs what it needs.
This is KEY; if the PTB can disconnect our mind/body connection they WIN. The people have been getting gradually DECAPITATED. If, as a child, our mind /body connection does not get a chance to strengthen and is, instead, weakened by those around us making us doubt what we feel and know, undermining who we are and the rightful amount of space we’re allowed to take up in this world, our health and mind/body connection lose resolve. We become like the detainees in Guantanamo and become broken.
The idea of ‘parenting’ was to break a child’s will. To do to a child exactly what is intended to do to detainees in Gitmo by interrogators and police to ‘perps’. In the Making a Murderer series the police easily intimidated Brandon Dassey into ‘confessing’ the same that was done to the Central Park 5. Like abusive parents, the police used their position of ‘power’ to intimidate and manipulate the CP5 into confessing to something they didn’t do by lying to them and telling them they would let them go home if they said they did it.
The scale is already way off balance from the start with the CP5 and Brandon Dassey in a vulnerable position with no reinforcement. Do the math. It isn’t difficult to figure out who’s going to lose. The vulnerable person is automatically GUILTY just because they’re vulnerable and nothing more. The ptb make them so and so does everyone who goes along with this criminal system. It’s completely backwards and the same thing that happens to children in their own homes over time by parents who aren’t even as vindictive. The less someone is there for the vulnerable, the more they’re sold out because not enough people want to do what’s challenging.