People are much more Ill than they realize

‎As uncomfortable as it is to hear, it must be said. I’ve lived it and been pointing it out for decades only to be beaten into submission by the very people who should be on my side.
 I can’t see how people are the least bit surprised or shocked by what’s taking place today since they’ve been the one’s funding all along.
 All I can share, as I’ve been, is my experience and what I witnessed. Not everyone of course, experienced what I experienced in the exact same way but, I do believe most people experienced it on some level. All the facts and evidence we’re living with today points to that fact.
 Example after example happening currently over and over ‎with this attack here and that death there is the macro cosm of the micro cosm I’ve tried to get people to see for 4 decades. The fact that those around you are too busy treating you like ‘what do you know, you’re only a kid’ proves it. The very people who should be there protecting and championing you the most are the very ones undermining and pulling the rug out from under you the most. I think many people, if they’re honest enough, can admit that their family of origin was less than healthy and supportive and yet, it gets minimized and the significance of what’s right in our faces gets overlooked. Meanwhile, this is what’s building up over time. People can’t even ‘see’ what they’re funding over time til it blows up in their face. And not even then.
 Last night on the radio show Organic News on that I’ve been doing for 3 years next month I interviewed Jennifer Loewenstein of Penn U Middle Eastern Studies. She is just another person I’ve interviewed among people like Stephen Zunes, Dr Dahlia Wasfi, Miko Peled, Norman Solomon as well as others I’ve heard report on it on non mainstream news, that it’s the U.S. Who funds these so-called, ‘terrorists’ and pretends to be trying to eradicate it.
 The podcast for the interview will be on the Awakeradio1 youtube channel. I asked Jennifer Loewenstein about the U.S. Being in the Middle East for 15+ some-odd years now so, where’s the improvement? If things are getting worse and groups like ISIS are getting larger and more radicalized then,??? There’s your answer. The U.S. Should be held accountable for creating a humanitarian disaster.
 Before I veer off and lose focus, I want to go back to the ‘family’ system. The signs and symptoms are right in front of people that they are the ones screwing themselves and those around them while following a system that’s pushing them over a cliff.
 I was completely on my own starting from around 6 years old, is as early as I can remember. ‎The ‘family’ was not family. It was just called that. No one was on each others side. I KNEW at around that age, that I was being robbed and sold out and there was no one to turn to and nothing I could do about it except do my best fighting for my life by myself. I will forever have PTSD and watch out for anyone around me as the enemy because that’s who will, ultimately, be the source of my demise.
 What people don’t understand about growing up in dysfunctional or abusive environments is that it completely screws up your health. Your mind/body can’t possibly grow right when you are not getting your BASIC needs met. And I’m not talking about food, clothes and shelter. I’m talking about emotional, developmental needs.
 Today I watched a video on lowering the age of those who get imprisoned or put in solitary confinement . It was a video asking people to call a # to ask an Assembly person to lower the age of people in Solitary Confinement. 16 & 17 years Olds ‘treated like adults’ and placed, not only in jail but, in solitary. Angelo Pinto was desribing what it does to the psychological development of a young person of that age to be placed into these abusive environments. When a young person is still developing and they’re in these unsupportive and abusive environments it delays their development. The young are not equipt to be handling the stresses being put on them. A point I’ve been trying to bring to people for decades about the abusive family system and why kids need healthy parents. The system we’re living in is so sick and the majority of people go along with it and scapegoat the young and criminalize them when they should be being supported and raised.
 There are NO leaders! Everyone has sold out the youth and the future. The video said something about teaching these young people about ‘accepting responsibility for their actions’. If I were eating or drinking I would have spit my food all over after reading that. So these young people can ‘take responsibility?’ Give me a break! What ‘adult’ takes responsibility? What ‘leader’ in ‘power’ takes responsibility for their actions? The whole reason these kids exist is because there are NO REAL adults! No real leaders. Then they blame the youth for being the way they are and mirroring back to society it’s own reflection. That’s not complicated.  They’re treating these youth like garbage when the real garbage is the system that creates those to be discarded. Humans garbage? Do you really believe that an efficient system would create human beings to be treated like garbage? It’s the system and those who run it who are the garbage. Nature doesn’t make garbage. Only man does.
 I grew up the EXACT same way. I stood up to and exposed the illegit ‘parent’ when I was young. My body is simply having a normal reaction to the totally sick environment I was forced to live in. Instead of the ‘leaders’ looking at themselves and taking responsibility that THEY are the ones who Created ‎the mess, they defend themselves at the expense of their own child and use the child as the scapegoat. That’s happening all over the world on a larger scale. The ‘terrorist’ issue is that very concept. So is the situation I aired on Organic News last night with the Aunt of Akia Gurley, Hertencia Petersen, and the remarks that Commissioner Bratton made in response to the comments of Assemblyman Charles Barron who said at the press conf last Thurs., ‘violence is inevitable’. When the people are doing everything peaceful in standing up for their rights and the PTB are not hearing them. The system continues to want to treat the people like they’re garbage and don’t have value. When the nature inside of people is saying otherwise. Sooner or later things are going to blow. No one is above the laws of nature. Maybe that’s what the system wants. That’s what it does with ISIS and all the other problems it claims to want to solve. The reality is. There’s too much $ to be made and people value fake, man made $ over real value like human life.
 It is imperative that the people end this system that will surely kill them. ‎
 Instead of those around me helping me cultivate myself when I was young to be the best, smartest person I could be, they did the opposite. Not ONE adult stepped up to the plate to help me raise my self worth and self confidence. They did the opposite. Like the system, they don’t want you to be smart. They’re threatened by your smarts and spirit. They pull the rug out from under you, tell you your wrong when you’re right. They believe, like many cops and military do today, that they’re benefitting more by treating you like garbage than if they treated you well. That’s how ignorant people are. They don’t even realize that they benefit more by treating others well. They’re so immature and deficient in their development, they get off on having power over you and abusing it rather than treating you with the worth, value‎ & support you deserve. They bebefit more when they do this. But, they’re too ignorant. This is how the health and emotional/spiritual deficiency gets perpetuated. ‘Parents’ don’t have the emotional maturity and affordability to raise their children to their full capability. They only raise you enough to go along with a system that’s screwing them.
 I liken it to a farmer that grows beautiful tomatoes then stomping on the result instead of utilizing it and eating and selling them. ‎