The very reason many of these officers became cops was to raise themselves and their community up and give themselves and their community the respect and guidance many of their neighbors didn’t have.

After being an officer with NYPD for 8 years, 30 year old Edwin Raymond realized, “I could be a Sergeant by now if I went along with these policies”. Edwin Raymond had been passed over for Sergeant because he wasn’t “pulling in the #’s” , although no one would come right out and say that. NYPD, today are nothing more than enforcers of a debtors prison, with maybe a few exceptions, to bring in $ to the Dept. As Angelo Pinto, who spoke at the press conf said, “it’s more like a few good apples rather than a few bad apples”.
This is the exact corruption I warned people about in the early 70’s. Those who should be “protecting and serving” are doing the opposite. Then, ONTOP of that, it’s gets denied and the person pointing it out are retaliated against and gets criminalized which creates even More debt. The $ system follows the mindset of those controlling it. I’ve tried explaining that for decades. $ must be controlled and backed by healthy people and something stable. If it isn’t, it will simply be a weapon used to destroy lives.
It’s not the fact that people “make mistekes” do “bad things” or “fall from the mark” that is the problem. It’s the fact thay they don’t, won’t, are incapable of admitting it then, taking steps to move in a better direction that is the real problem. The reason for that is a self fulfilling prophecy due to the $$ that disconnects people from health and nature and keeps the $ cancer system going.
Many, if not most of us, have been trained to function in the opposite way nature and fitness works. People think $ brings health but, it doesn’t. $ brings whatever the person pursuing it already has to begin with. So whatever level of emotional health a person starts with, that will continue while pursuing $, maybe even deteriorate. Again, $ must be Backed by health in order to have real value. It’s not.
Health comes from nature and the healthy relationships we get from our parents. If they’re not healthy, we will be in debt. Simple. Then perpetuate that psych debt through out our life unless someone intervenes. Because we have addicts who’ve hijacked the entire world almost, it undermines any chance of anyone getting free of it.
We can get out of debt through nature, healthy relationships and relationship skills. Period. Nature is the only cure. Not admitting an error, a mistake can only draw one conclusion; the act was intentional. Or, the person is So identified with that part of themselves they can’t step outside themselves to see it. The person or persons have no desire to change or to redeem themselves and move in the “right” direction. This is unhealthy and not the way nature functions. It’s conditioned and can be unconditioned.
Lack of fitness and health is at the root of most, if not all our problems. $ perpetuates the disconnect from health and fitness because those who control it are mentally ill and disconnected from nature and use it to perpetuate that disconnect.
The #NYPDBlue12 are having the same experience I had in 1970’s when I was very young, where it is clear that those in “power” are abusing it and violating rights instead of protecting them. This is not emotional. This is pure Fact. Because the people around didn’t want to hear anything bad about people in “power” and are unfit themselves, they didn’t want to step up to the plate and get fit, they dilute the reality to make it seem “not as bad”. Reality cannot be diluted, like the $ supply can. Man cannot deny fact and get away with it. It’s not physically possible. Even when it seems like those in power are getting away with it, in reality, nature will not allow it. They, themselves, are being effected by their lack of taking responsibility and are being physically changed by it. They might not notice or care but, they are.
When I was a teen in the late 70’s early 80’s and still dealing with the imcompetent person in power that I had to deal with and being completely pushed to my physical limits, I had the insight to know that I was being turned into something not healthy. I could feel I was being turned into a monster.
Looking back, like Edwin Raymond said, “I’d be a Sergeant if I went along with these policies”, it’s an oxymoron to believe that we can get ahead or somehow, get somewhere by going against our gut and what we know to be so. That is what tells us that $ is a fake and a fraud. How can $ have “value” if we’re being forced to get rid of they very thing that $ should be supporting and protecting? That voice inside of us that’s telling something doesn’t feel right is what we should be listening to. Not the Powers that Be. We’re destroying our inner environment for $ when $ should be protecting these things. That feeling inside that something is not right is what we need to be listening to and be cultivating. That’s what I’ve tried to do ally my life starting at an early age when I was naive enough to believe that that’s the way most of the world functioned and that that’s how a person got ahead, in other words, legitimately, in Reality, the way it’s supposed to.
I, like Edwin Raymond, has a high moral standard from the way he grew up and join groups because we’re seeking others who feel the same. Then, we find out they don’t and we’re the black sheep like Frank Serpico. The NYPD is just a front. It shouldn’t be a surprise since the movie Serpico came out in the 70’s disclosing this issue.
Relationships need exercise to be fit. Period. Just like our physical bodies. We’re always dealing with nature and physics. No way around it. In man’s total arrogance with power he actually believes he can dominate God. The NYPD and other institutions like it like the U.S. Military and Corporations, are in a literal war with God, themselves and natural law.

“When it comes to Mass incarceration in NYC quotas are at the root of it. We took an oath to serve and protect the people.” Edwin Raymond also said during the press conf. That he and the rest of the officers are doing it for the people, not only for themselves. “We’re protecting the people from the Dept itself.” In other words, Real policing is protecting the people from the police dept. Not by going along with the rights violating policies. The NYPD does not exist to protect the rights of the public any more than my own parent was there for me. I needed protection From them! And the community around me growing up, who were like the cops who go along with the policies instead of protect and serve the very people they should be. This is in your face stuff. Not rocket science. People are literally being brainwashed to allow themselves to be violated or to violate others.