I sat for the first day of trial on Monday for NYPD cop, I don’t use the term Officer, Peter Liang who fired his gun that ricocheted off a stair well wall hitting Akai Gurley in the chest killing him.
November 20, 2014 at the Pink Houses, 2724 Linden Blvd. in east NY Akai Gurley and his girlfriend Melissa Butler took the stairs when the elevator took too long at around 11pm at night. Peter Liang and his partner, Shaun Landau, were doing vertical patrol.
The lighting in the stair well at the Pink Houses on the 7th fl were out. Possibly a second fl also, that wasn’t clear. However, there was no threat, no crime, no call on radio and yet Peter Liang had his gun drawn and finger on the trigger.
The prosecuting attorney did a good job during opening statement. Marc Fliedner made the point that NYPD modified the trigger on their guns, the 9MM Semi auto, making it harder to fire the gun by making it harder to pull the trigger. He said PL violated training by having his gun out. The prosecutor got down on his knee in front of the jury illustrating how PL didn’t even get close to Akai Gurley to help him in anyway after shooting him as AG lay bleeding on the stairwell landing. The fact that PL didn’t do anything to help AG after “accidentally” shooting him was no accident.
That is also what’s being argued. That also makes PL guilty.
The words of PL’s partner were, “What the fuck just happened?” PL’s response was “I shot by accident”. Then, the fact that PL was more concerned with losing his job and contacting the union instead of radioing the shooting and calling for help. The 2 partners argued for 4 mins not even knowing someone was shot and that Akai Gurley ran down the 2 flights then lay bleeding on the 5th Fl landing.
It ended up being the 4th fl neighbor, Melissa Lopez, who was asked to call 911 by AG’s girlfriend, Melissa Butler. Melissa Lopez didn’t even know it was the 2 cops who appeared at the 5th fl landing while she was on the call with 911 who were responsible for the shooting. She thought they showed up as a result of her 911 call.
The defense attorney, in her opening statement, asked the jury to find the defendant innocent after she went through a mirade of lame excuses; it’s a “high crime” area, that they were on their way to the roof where it’s a known crime area. Wall St is a high crime area, the pink houses is a by-product. Places like the pink houses are there to give people like Peter Liang the belief that he’s “doing” something, has a job which is nothing more than keeping the “poor” exactly where they are and the “rich”, really insane Madmen, where they are.
Other excuses were the lights out in the stair well, that PL was a rookie with little time on the job, that the 2 cops just came from a previous stressful call, etc.
The fact that the defense even thinks that PL should be set free, totally innocent of any wrong doing when the simple fact is, that he fired a shot that killed a human being, is just adding insult to injury.

People in positions of power who claim to be there to serve & protect, which many are realizing is simply not true. The system is all about profit. policing has become For Profit, the jails are now For Profit. There is no incentive for people to do what’s “right” because there’s no $$ in it.
Again, this is the macro of the micro I’ve been speaking about since the early 70’s. Those who are supposed to be in a position of helping are doing the opposite and it’s those they’re supposed to be protecting who are picking up the tab for their incompetence. If that’s helping and protecting, thanks but, No Thanks! Not only does Akia Gurley end up shot dead, PL doesn’t call it in, doesn’t administer CPR and Now wants to get off scott Free!
The message is clear. Those in power are NOT there for us, they’re there for THEM. It’s like being in a forced relationship with someone you know is not in your best interest and you can’t get out of it. Like “family”. Children don’t ask to be born or choose their parents.
This is the same scenario I’ve been trying to point out all my life about “family”. If this is family, who needs enemies? The “family”, My “family”, parent(s) were exactly the same. You’re in a forced relationship with them who are clearly not in your best interest and you’re trapped. They’re there for themselves at your expense. The facts are the facts.
All people did when I was a child was say to me “oh, you’re poor mother” when I tried expressing the abuse and harm I was suffering. Everyone around me was in on bailing out the perp. All people did was make excuses for the perp and allow the most vulnerable child take the fall. These are facts. There is no one there for you. All who should be there are not. They’re the opposite and sell you out. Those in “power” make the mess then when those to whom they’ve made the mess of respond justifiably They are the ones who get criminalized. There is no one there to help you become someone, No one there teaching you that you’re valuable, that you’re loved, cared for, that you matter, that you have value and that you have a RIGHT to stand up for yourself. It is any wonder there’s no one teaching the young the most important thing there is to learn? Is it any wonder the PTB want to break up the family? For exactly that reason, so they can have weakened, obedient people who are not strong. I have every right now to call out the poor treatment I had to deal with then and had NO ability to. It’s a social Avalanche when there is no reinforcement in place for the most vulnerable and the entire weight of society is crushing them.
What’s incredible about the case of Akai Gurley and Peter Liang is that physics doesn’t lie. Akai Gurley is dead. That can’t be undone. And yet, despite that fact, there is a trial trying to get Peter Liang off. That makes no sense. He killed Akai Gurley. He admitted to firing the shot. How is this complicated?
If PL gets off, all Hell should break loose! This entire system is exactly the larger version of my “growing up”. The people in charge are the OPPOSITE of who they should be and use the people as a garbage dump for their error. All I heard as a kid was “oh, your poor mother, she couldn’t treat you right because no one taught her”. Think abou that. What kind of people teach a child to allow themselves to let the one person who they NEED to be there for them, to instead, let them off the hook? Everyone around is completely betraying that child. Leaving a child totally alone and making excuses for the lame parent. It’s sickening what people get away with. A child cannot afford to not have a healthy adult there for them. Are the laws of physics going to get suspended because the “parent” is incompetent and has a million and one excuses why they can’t treat a child the way that child deserves? NO! That child will be forever harmed and their life completely altered and damaged by not having any healthy adult, leader there protecting and sticking up for them.
Like the case of Peter Liang, who wants to get off for taking someone’s life, because, afterall, the people have no value. So what if PL killed Akai Gurley. The cops probably are taught that the public is the enemy and are out to get them which is why Liang had his gun out and his finger on the trigger in the first place. The public is there to generate revenue. That’s it. That’s clear.
People can’t even have Families any more with partners and parents who truly do right by them never mind having a system and police who give a shit about them.
The system is so imbalanced to begin with. It’s completely an un equal playing field. Those who have no recourse and no leverage are being thrown to the “wolves”. I don’t like using animals to make these kinds of point because humans are worse.
Noche Diaz, and activist and demonstrator from Stop Mass Incarceration and the Revolutionary Communist Party is being threatened with a ridiculous amount of jail time for protesting! He had a court date this morning. They were looking to give him something like 13 years!
What kind of system are we living in where “cops” can get off for MURDER and Noche Diaz can see over 10 for protesting???
I lived in a house that nearly drove me to madness when I was a child. A CHILD has NO Recourse! THERE IS NO WHERE TO TURN! THERE IS NO ONE TO TURN TO when the system has deteriorated so badly, morals, values, family has been sold for profit. “Parents”, relatives and neighbors are such cowards they allow a child to take the fall. The public has become so complacent and void of any kind of fitness and standards whatsoever.
I had NO eyelashes from the 2nd to the 5th grade due to stress. I had no one by myself to stand up for me from the age of 6 on because I was smart enough to speak out about growing up in an unhealthy environment. How dare you be healthy and their sick and abusive environment not be good enough for you. How dare your body have healthy responses to the unacceptable conditions and treatment they force you to live in. How dare people like Kalief Browder not be able to stand the horror and torture of being innocent and kept in Rikers Island for “stealing a backpack” without charge or trial and not be able to deal with the beatings and abuse he was subjected to there. How dare Akai Gurley get in the way of Peter Liang’s bullet.
How dare I feel I deserve justice and compensation for the abuse and harmful environment I was forced to endure as a child with NO “adult” with Any courage there for protection. I have no choice but to speak out now that I’m older on my own behalf because there was no one to do it for me who was entrusted to. As long as the young have no one there truly looking out for them they’re going to be crushed. Like animals, people in the middle east, the vulnerable and the environment.
Capitalism MUST end. The profit junkies who’ve hijacked all the $ and power must be brought down. And it must be done soon!