I’ve been hearing much news lately about the Flint water crisis. I did an interview for Organic News on http://awakeradio.us/ with Mike Doan of Detroiters Resisting Emergency Management on Tues. A member of his organization, Thomas Stephen, an attorney with the NLG, was speaking about the situation last Wed on Democracy Now. I wrote in my last blog on his talk on the privatization of the water system and the immense power it would bring and that if Gov Snyder is found to be involved in it, it’s the end of his career.
One point I would like to make that most people don’t consider is the poisoning of the $ supply. If the Flint water can be lead poisoned harming mass amounts of people and children giving them all kinds of illnesses, rashes and cognitive disorders, then what can the $ supply do? Does anyone stop to think of the harm to health, especially mental/emotional health our fake $ supply is causing?
How many people are aware of what $ is and where it comes from? How many people are aware of what $ is made of?
In an interview I recntly did with author of the book, All The Presidents Bankser, Nomi Prins for Awake Radio http://awakeradio.us/ she said, “The $ coming into the banks from the Fed is fabricated”. If anyone has seen the documentary Zeitgeist Addendum, Peter Joseph illustrates what $ is and that it’s made from debt. It isn’t real. It’s basically counterfeit. Most people don’t know where their “food” or clothes come from, who makes it or how those making it are treated or paid. $ is the same.
This might be surprising but, come does not come from nature. It doesn’t have Any natural ingredients. How, then, can it not harm us? How can it not be poison? It’s controlled by manipulative people for harmful purposes. Circulating $ is like the Flint water switch from the Detroit water system to the dirty Flint river. $$, for the most part, is Filthy dirty. I’ve said this before. If $ is created from debt, it stands to reason that people have to go into behavioral debt to acquire it. Which many people willingly do every day. Do most people think about and pay attention to the fact that they must choose $ over morals and honest evry day? Are people paying attention to the fact that to have $ to pay their bills they must forfeit what’s right and moral? Many people think one little compromise here and another compromise there every day isn’t a problem. They are not paying attention to the fact that they are filling a moral debt “bank account” that is acruing over time. Like pollution, it adds up.
The slow and gradul erosion people allow to happen to their morality over time while they choose the $ doesn’t always wake people up to the fact that if they have to surrender morality for $ then, clearly, $ does not back or represent decency or morality. To choose $ is to choose the opposite of wealth and justice. The more people blindly choose $ over morals, the more morality and decency erode, like the pipes in Flint.
$ is literally making people ill. We don’t think enough about emotional or, God forbid, I should say, Spiritual health. We don’t talk enough about spiritual health because to do so put us directly up against the circulating of $$.
First of all, if $ and health went together in the first place Darnell Earley, the emergency manager in Flint would not have switched the water supply from Detroit to the Flint river. In order to “save $” the water supply got switched to polluted, lead contaminated water. What does that tell you right there? That $ is at ODDS with health. $$ does not back or work for health and well being but, is, in direct opposition to it. It doesn’t get any clearer. We just have to take a closer look. Then, it ends up costing Flint more $$ because of all the damage to pipes and the health damage created.
Darnell Earley was clearly not thinking about the REAL cost to the lives of the people, they were thinking about $$ cost. But, should $ cost and the cost to the people be one in the same? Shouldn’t the $ cost be aligned with the health costs and what serves the people? The fact that the 2 are not one in the same is a very serious problem itself. The fact that a choice has to be made between saving $ and protecting the health of the community and to choose one means the compromising of the other shows there is a very serious problem with $$.
What Thomas Stephen said on Democracy Now about the privatization of the water system and the immense power it would give to whoever controlled it gives us a clue to the answer. “Follow the $$”.
We as a people do not pay enough attention to health on any level, never mind emotional/mental.
Most people do not think about relating in appropriate, healthy ways when they go to work everyday. Those in the less power roles usually follow the orders of those in a “higher” power role no questions asked. Even when many people might know in their gut that what someone in power is doing is wrong they don’t say anything and go along in order to keep their job and “career”. They don’t think about the erosion of their soul and morals little by little. How many people create a polluted world every time they compromise a little bit of their soul for $ every day? Who is speaking about that pollution? The psychological and physical abuse and killing that is becoming more the norm in our society as we move closer and closer to $$ over people and the earth is picking up speed.
Why don’t we address the fact that $ is pollution. $ is poison that is making more and more people sick who do nothing but lust after it to gain the illusion of power. The only thing that has real value in our world is nature. Nature is what gives anything its value. $ is not natural and is not of nature. It’s purely a man-made, what I call GMO product created out of debt.
We literally have to maim and destroy to keep the $$ system going. Maybe we should rethink our priorities and what the ingredients in our $ supply are. The harmful consequences of the circulation of $ are obvious.